---------- Instructions ----------
Read This First
* With the provided Unlock codes, if you are receivng "Code Error", DO NOT WORRY! proceed to the end of the page to the "Trouble Shooting" section on how to proceed.
* DO NOT use all of the attempts to enter the Unlock code otherwise your phone will be Hardlocked (MEP 0), Contact us First if you have less than 5 tries left to enter the Unlock Code.
* Video proof will be required if code does not work, it's a good idea to film it so we can help trouble shoot what the problem is. We may also offer you a discount off your original purchase amount if you can provide us with a video of successfully unlocking your device.
There are Multiple Unlock Codes Above, which One is it?
Try the first 8 or 16 digit code, if error try the next 8 or 16 digit code. If both are giving an error, the two codes you received are 16 digits, use the first 8 digits of the 16 digit code.
Caution! if you have less than 5 attempts left contact us first!
If you only received 1 Unlock Code, Don't worry about this part, use the code provided above. Or if the Unlock Codes above contain the words "Preferred" OR "Other Codes" try using those codes first.
---------- Code Input Instructions ----------
How to Enter the Unlock Code into my Blackberry?
1. Insert a non accepted simcard and power phone on.
2. Go to Settings > Security and Privacy > Simcard
3. Press "Unlock Network"
4. Enter the 8 or 16 digit code
Phones is now Unlocked!
---------- Trouble Shooting ----------
"Code Error" What do I do?
If you received a 16 digit code, use the first 8 digits of the 16 digit code.
Caution! if you have less than 5 attempts left contact us first!
My Phone say "Unlock Successful" but it keeps prompting me to enter the code
Download BB Link HERE
Follow instructions below
Warning: The following procedure will delete all data and applications on the BlackBerry device. If possible, back up the data prior to performing the procedure. For information on how to back up data from the BlackBerry 10 smartphone or BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, see KB33526.
Before proceeding, download and install (or update to) the latest version of BlackBerry Link found HERE.
To reload the BlackBerry 10 OS or BlackBerry PlayBook OS, complete the following steps:
BlackBerry Link version (Windows):
Open BlackBerry Link.
Ensure the computer is connected to the Internet.
Power off the BlackBerry 10 smartphone or BlackBerry PlayBook tablet.
Connect the device to the computer via the USB cable.
Under the Devices heading, click the device name when it is displayed.
Click Preferences at the top-right.
Under the General heading, click Reload Device Software.
Click the Reload button.
Try the code again afterwards.
My Phone displays "MEP 0" What is this?
This means your phone is hardlocked and has no more attempts to Unlock your device. At this point there are no alternatives to unlock this device.
I can make Calls and Text but I'm not getting Internet Service.
In this case you will need to adjust what's called the APN settings. The APN settings vary depending on the service provider you are trying to use. Please contact your service provider and they can assist you setting this up. There is no separate unlock for data or internet. If you can call or text, your phone's network is fully unlocked. Also keep in mind, if your phone cannot use BBM, or other Blackberry services, Black devices need a special "Blackberry Dataplan" which you can get from your service provider
My Phone is asking for the "PUK" or "Security Pin" or "Password"
If your phone is asking for one of the above, it is the Simcard personal password or phone security password NOT the Network Lock which we provide for you. You can contact your service provider for this. Once you bypass this, you can use the Network Unlock Code provided by us.